A downloadable game

"Why not do something original?" Has always stumped me. Ive always called myself a hack, and mostly I've been interested in other people's ideas that interest me

I've like never ever proposed an original idea in my life, but here goes...

And I had to go way back to my childhood for a fun original idea. Games I used to play in my head cause, like, my Mom (my Mom was the best) hid sausages on me going through customs and 10 year old me with giant salami wursta up my sleeves going through customs

So, I'd often pretend I was an intergalactic spy pretending to be a regular traveller and that the suspicious lump under my Star Wars toys isn't a homemade cheesecake 

So, first draft, pixelart retro style game idea 

I'll try to do some art up today, I think I can just use the gameplay I got set up for Buck Rogers idea

Title: "Untitled Intergalactic Spy Game"  

A turn-based strategy game set in a vast, intergalactic universe where players assume the role of an alien intergalactic spy. Their mission is to navigate through this expansive galaxy, choose a spy agency to work for, gather critical intelligence, sabotage enemy plans, and ultimately prevent a catastrophic war between different alien races.

 The game features a dynamic galaxy map that changes with each playthrough due to random events and shifting allegiances among the various factions.

Players must carefully manage their spy's resources and abilities while making strategic decisions that will impact the balance of power across the galaxy. 

Each turn allows players to move their spy across star systems on the map, interacting with various characters and environments to collect information or complete objectives. Players can choose from several actions during their turn, including infiltrating space stations or alien planets, conducting espionage operations against rival factions, or even engaging in diplomatic negotiations to sway allies toward their cause.

Players will also need to maintain their spy's cover identity by managing relationships with key figures within each faction they encounter. This involves building trust through gift-giving (using valuable resources gathered throughout the game) or completing specific tasks for these individuals. Failure to keep up appearances could result in suspicion and eventual capture by enemy forces—a severe setback for players' overall progress.

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