A downloadable game

Idle Space Tyrant


In Idle Space Tyrant, you play as a ruthless space tyrant seeking to expand your galactic empire. Build your power by conquering planets, researching technologies, constructing imposing fleets, and crushing your enemies. As your empire grows, new worlds, threats, and opportunities will emerge. Even when you're away from the game, your loyal minions will work tirelessly to expand your dominion.

Core Mechanics:

1. Resource Collection: Gather minerals, fuel, and credits from conquered planets to fuel your expansion.

2. Planet Conquest: Explore new worlds and defeat their inhabitants to add them to your empire.

3. Building Construction: Construct diverse buildings on planets to boost resource production, shipbuilding, and research.

4. Shipbuilding: Assemble a fearsome fleet of warships, transport vessels, and exploratory crafts.

5. Technology Research: Unlock upgrades to ships, buildings, and resource gathering through a sprawling tech tree.

6. Enemy Invasion: Repel periodic invasions from rival factions to protect your hard-won planets.

7. Tyranny: Imposed harsh taxes, forced labor, and destroyed rebel strongholds to assert your dominance.Progression:

As your empire expands, new planets, technologies, buildings, and ships will become available. The game world will evolve, presenting fresh challenges and opportunities. Conquer more planets to increase resource output and unlock elite units, structures, and technologies. Defeat rival tyrants to absorb their planets and prestige.Idle Elements:


Published 6 days ago

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